Nasal Aspirator Baby Electric Nasal Aspirator Newborn Baby Nose Cleaner Adult beauty instrument Blackhead Remover Bab 2 in 1

Rated 4.98 out of 5 based on 60 customer ratings
(61 customer reviews)

39,99 $

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SKU: CJJJJTJT16393 Category:


1. Adjustable Operation Settings: nasal aspirator is equipped with 9 levels of suction, enough suction easily help you to solve all forms of snot.

2. Blackhead Remover: We have set the Nasal Aspirator mode to the default settings, you only need to press “power switch” again to change to Blackhead Remover mode.


1.9gears can be adjusted and selected by button control, simple and practical, to meet different needs

2. With music soothing function, so that the baby will not resist.

3. With fluorescent light function to attract children’s attention.

4. Digital display design, speed is visible, remaining battery power is visible.

5. Food grade silicone nozzle, soft, skin-friendly.

6. Removable design, comfortable and clean.

7. Ergonomic design, humanized curvature, comfortable to hold.

8. Anti-reflow design prevents mucus from flowing back into the nasal cavity.


1. The body should not be washed, do not put the body in the water to clean.

Instructions for use:

1. Before use, soak the nozzle in hot salt water for 10 minutes, then disinfect.

2. Install the nasal aspirator and turn the switch on to activate.

3. If the nasal cavity is dry, spray it into the nostrils with saline or nasal spray. The nasal spray should be exposed to the nasal cavity for 4 to 5 minutes.


Color:green, gray

Nozzle material: Silicone

Size: 15.5*5*4.5cm

Suitable age: 0-6 years old

Package Content:

1* Nasal Aspirator

4* Blackhead beauty suction head

1*Gourd shape

2* Funnel-Shaped Silicone Suction Nozzles

1* User Manual

1* Mini USB Cable

1* Device Case

Weight 0,39 kg
Dimensions 150 × 80 × 200 cm

Blue No logo, Grey No logo

61 reviews for Nasal Aspirator Baby Electric Nasal Aspirator Newborn Baby Nose Cleaner Adult beauty instrument Blackhead Remover Bab 2 in 1

  1. Rated 5 out of 5


    Als Mutter meines Kindes … hat das Baby mehr als 40 Tage lang einen Nasensauger im Internet genommen. Ich hatte nicht erwartet, dass es so einfach zu bedienen ist. Insgesamt neun Schrittvibrationen von 1 bis 5 Schritt können zum Saugen der Nase des Babys verwendet werden. 6-9 Die Feile kann auch die Nasenspitze alleine verwenden … und sie kommt auch mit eigener Musik und Lichtern. Das Wichtigste ist, dass der Silikonkopf sehr weich und weich ist und die Nase des Babys nicht verletzt … Stattdessen genießt das Baby es jedes Mal, wenn es es benutzt. Es ist einfach zu bedienen und mit einer Aufbewahrungsbox einfach zu bedienen …… Baoma empfiehlt es nachdrücklich? Und die Logistik ist auch sehr schnell, was das große Problem von Baoma löst
    no remarkno remarkno remark

  2. Rated 5 out of 5


    After buying so many electronic products for babies, I think this is the best value. When the nasal mucus was sucked out, my mother's heart was so excited, the tears were almost falling at the time, and the baby could finally breathe calmly
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  3. Rated 5 out of 5


    Я использовала его сразу после получения товара. Он может высасывать водянистый нос. Мой ребенок слишком маленький и не сделал его слишком глубоким. Он может сам сосать черные точки. Он многофункциональный. Если у ребенка есть нос, его можно использовать для нюхания в возрасте от 0 до 1 года. Это повреждает носовую перепонку ребенка, оставайтесь дома, чтобы использовать позже, хорошо
    no remarkno remark

  4. Rated 5 out of 5


    It’s a very easy-to-use one. The baby sucked out a lot of snot when he had a cold. It’s better now, and it can be charged. It has music lights, and the baby is very cooperative. It also gave a beauty head.

  5. Rated 5 out of 5


    Die Wirkung ist sehr gut. Das Baby hat kürzlich die Nase verstopft, hat Nasenschleim und kann nachts nicht gut schlafen. Ich habe im Internet gelesen und gesagt, dass dieser Nasensauger sehr nützlich ist, also habe ich beschlossen, anzufangen. Anfangs war es ein wenig nutzlos, weil ich befürchtete, dass das Baby sich dagegen wehren würde. Ich habe es nicht mit dem 2. Gang herausgesaugt. Nach dem Interview bekam ich den 3. Gang und es saugte viel heraus. Das Baby hat eine klare Nase und schläft besser.
    no remark

  6. Rated 5 out of 5


    младенцев всегда есть носы, и они не осмеливаются копать их ватными тампонами. Младенцы также очень устойчивы к ковырянию в носу. Купив это, он может высасывать глубоко сидящие носы. Нежная полость носа и носик ребенка также являются большой проблемой, которая беспокоит нас. Этот отсос как раз подходит для ребенка. Это один из простых в использовании продуктов, которые рекомендуются

    no remarkno remark

  7. Rated 5 out of 5


    Эффект был хороший, и его высосали за несколько движений.

  8. Rated 5 out of 5


    Упаковка очень свежая, материал приятный на ощупь. Ребенок может плавно высасывать носовой корж с первого раза, когда я использую его. Я с нетерпением жду эффекта от сустава, используемого для красоты!

  9. Rated 5 out of 5


    fast shipping, arrived in 9 days!

  10. Rated 5 out of 5


    Мой ребенок простужен, и у него много липкого носа. Заложен нос и плохо спит. Так неудобно наблюдать за ребенком. Я случайно увидела этот назальный аспиратор и без колебаний купила его. Поторопитесь, я воспользуюсь им сразу же, когда доберусь туда. Я действительно высосал много липкого носа. Сожалею, что купил его так поздно. Это действительно супер просто в использовании.
    no remark

  11. Rated 5 out of 5


    Это действительно артефакт, хорошего качества, с низким уровнем шума и очень безопасный. Мой недоношенный ребенок может использовать его во время родов. Он высасывает много носовой слизи. Его нужно использовать каждые несколько дней. Одно вложение можно использовать в течение нескольких лет. Это покупка очень удовлетворительна. !
    Пользоваться безопасно, есть музыка и свет. Большой нос высосан, неплохо!

  12. Rated 5 out of 5


    Questa cosa è abbastanza buona. Il bambino ha appena avuto il naso freddo e che cola a marzo. Funziona bene.
    Materiale del prodotto: il materiale è di plastica e non c'è odore particolare. È morbido in mano.
    Effetto d'uso: l'effetto d'uso è buono, quando il bambino ha il naso grosso è facile succhiare molto. Poiché i bambini non sono disposti a toccare, devono attirare l'attenzione dei bambini quando lo usano. L'azienda ha progettato luci e musica per attirare facilmente l'attenzione dei bambini.

  13. Rated 5 out of 5


    Отличный продукт, цвет очень свежий, ребенок слишком маленький, чтобы его использовать, чтобы помочь ребенку очистить полость носа, очень прост в использовании, экономит усилия и беспокойство, больше не используйте ватный тампон, чтобы вставлять в нос ребенка, это не повредит ребенку, детка Он не устоит, не вызывает дискомфорта, и чистка тоже очень удобна – просто снимите головку и почистите ее напрямую.

  14. Rated 5 out of 5


    It’s really easy to use. I would like to recommend it to the mothers of Xinshengbao who never commented. My little treasure has his nose wheezing for 50 days. When he yawns, he sees that his nostrils are blocked and his nose is completely blocked. I was very distressed. I took him to the Maternal and Child Health Hospital and gave him a suction. When I came back, I wanted to buy a nasal aspirator. I chose several additional purchases. Finally, I chose this one. I really didn’t choose it wrong. My little treasure’s nose is that The hard shaped ones can be sucked out. Some nasal aspirators can't. Before sucking, use saline to moisturize his nostrils. The second gear is especially good for sucking out. Suggest to the mothers, if the baby is too small or the newborn is best to use the gourd mouth, it will not hurt the nostrils, and do not worry about getting it inside.
    Use effect: very easy to use
    Product packaging: strict

  15. Rated 5 out of 5


    Cuando lo compré, comparé muchos de ellos, aunque el precio de este es un poco más caro, creo que el efecto debería ser el mejor. En ese momento, mi bebé acababa de nacer y tenía moco nasal en la nariz, así que necesitaba un aspirador nasal como este, así que hice un pedido. Después de recibir el producto, lo coloqué y lo usé de inmediato, no me decepcionó, se succionó la mucosidad nasal, la respiración del bebé se hizo más suave y me sentí renovado. Ahora es el encierro, ven y comenta, esperando ayudar a las personas que quieran comprar este producto.

  16. Rated 5 out of 5


    Use effect: seldom come to write reviews specifically, because it is so easy to use! It is simply the savior of the novice Baoma. The baby’s nasal cavity is sensitive and can’t be digged. The cotton swab is actually not very useful, especially the booger of Xiaobao’s milk is sticky and long, and it comes out with a gentle inhalation, and is not afraid of digging the nose. Manually I also bought a nasal aspirator for mouth suction, but I have never used it once. Da Ai, novice Bao Ma really needs one.

  17. Rated 5 out of 5


    My baby is more than three years old and still can’t blow his nose. I have allergic rhinitis. I always insist on washing my nose with normal saline and then sucking out my nose with a nasal aspirator. It feels that electric is better than mouth suction. It's very simple, and it's easy to clean. The price is not expensive. It is suitable for babies to buy earlier and the usage rate is higher.
    no remark

  18. Rated 5 out of 5


    Call this nasal aspirator crazy, very useful. Although the nasal aspirator treats the symptoms but not the root cause, there will be many more quickly after inhalation, but as long as it can make the baby comfortable for a while, I am willing to use it. My baby is very resistant, but for her good, it is pressed and sucked. She feels comfortable after sucking
    no remark

  19. Rated 5 out of 5


    Es súper fácil de usar. Se ablanda con agua salada y luego se aspira con un aspirador nasal. La música también puede distraer al niño. El niño no llora. Es tan fácil de usar. El niño ha estado incómodo durante varios días y lo he probado todo. La nariz no se puede sacar con varios métodos y tengo miedo de lastimar la cavidad nasal del niño. Tener este aspirador nasal ha resuelto mis problemas.
    no remark

  20. Rated 5 out of 5


    C'est particulièrement facile à utiliser. Après avoir réalisé que mon bébé avait 5 ans, j'ai réalisé qu'il y avait une telle chose. Pendant cette période, l'enfant avait une rhinite et n'a pas osé aller à l'hôpital pour le voir. Je ne pouvais prendre les médicaments que moi-même. Je l’ai utilisé dès que j’ai eu la main hier, et le nez de l’enfant s’est dégagé et a dit que c’était beaucoup plus confortable que d’aller à l’hôpital pour me laver le nez.
    no remark

  21. Rated 5 out of 5


    My child has a cold and has a lot of sticky nasal discharge. It is uncomfortable to have a blocked nose, and he can’t sleep well. It feels hard to watch the child. I accidentally saw this nasal aspirator. I bought it directly without hesitation. Hurry, I will use it right away when I get there. I really sucked out a lot of sticky nose. I regret buying it so late. It's really super easy to use.
    no remark

  22. Rated 5 out of 5


    J'ai reçu le biberon, la logistique est très rapide, la valeur est très élevée, le bébé l'aime beaucoup et il refuse de le poser. Le biberon est équipé de 2 têtes, l'une avec une tétine et l'autre avec un bec de canard, les deux ont une boule de gravité à l'intérieur, ce qui est très pratique. La conception de la paille est très bonne et ne fuit pas.Mamans, dépêchez-vous!
    no remark

  23. Rated 5 out of 5


    Я купил один раньше, он мне очень нравится, и цена невысокая. На этот раз я выкупила его. Вы должны регулярно менять бутылку. Это действительно неограниченный выкуп бутылки. Ха-ха, в основном он хорошего качества, и мне нравится внешний вид. Верить в хороших детей больше, чем в сердце
    no remark

  24. Rated 5 out of 5


    Я купил один раньше, он мне очень нравится, и цена невысокая. На этот раз я выкупила его. Вы должны регулярно менять бутылку. Это действительно неограниченный выкуп бутылки. Ха-ха, в основном он хорошего качества, и мне нравится внешний вид. Верить в хороших детей больше, чем в сердце
    no remark

  25. Rated 5 out of 5


    very fast shipping
    물건 좋고 생각보다 일찍 받았어요
    아기가 코흡입기를 매우 싫어해서 당분간은 피지제거기로 써야겠네요

  26. Rated 5 out of 5


    The suction power is good, it solves the baby's biggest problem, it is worth buying, it is recommended to spare one at home.
    no remark

  27. Rated 5 out of 5


    Je l'ai sucé pour mon fils, ça a bien fonctionné
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  28. Rated 5 out of 5


    Los productos son muy buenos y la entrega es rápida. Ya no hay que preocuparse por el problema de los mocos del bebé. También hay muchos regalos.
    no remark

  29. Rated 5 out of 5


    Este aspirador nasal es atraído primero por su color de apariencia. Es realmente bueno de usar. Hay 9 engranajes, suficiente potencia de succión sin lastimar la nariz del bebé. Viene con 3 tipos de cabezales de silicona para satisfacer diversas necesidades y es fácil de limpiar. Use solución salina normal para suavizar la nariz antes de usarla, de modo que ya no tenga que preocuparse por la congestión nasal de su bebé.
    no remark

  30. Rated 5 out of 5


    Super powerful, super easy to use, solves perfectly the problem of block nose baby and child finally respi
    no remark

  31. Rated 5 out of 5


    The color is beautiful, the suction power is also good, there are music and lights to attract the baby's attention, and it is also equipped with an adult's can suck blackheads and the like, which has many functions
    no remark

  32. Rated 5 out of 5


    It is very easy to use. Although I used it only once, a piece of nose that is not great compared to the baby's nostrils. Take this one to suck a piece that is bigger than an adult's nose. Seller service is also very good. Very patiently explained. Thank you
    no remark

  33. Rated 5 out of 5


    I did it once for the baby tried, and the acceptance of the baby is high, and the effect of sucking is also good. When I first lutsche, lutsche I it very clean
    no remark

  34. Rated 5 out of 5


    Yes, it is easy, the nasal mucus suction, what better than manual suction
    no remarkno remark

  35. Rated 5 out of 5


    This dell'aspetto nasal aspirator is first attracted by its color. It is really good to use. There are 9 gears
    no remark

  36. Rated 5 out of 5


    Simple Installation, convenient and quick to use, comes out as soon as you inhale, it is so easy to use, the baby's nose was padded for many days, and is finally better after you use it today
    no remark

  37. Rated 5 out of 5


    It is easy to use. There are light and music. It can the attention of the baby distract. The baby crying. The suction is very good and it is successfully siphoned… And the packaging is also very good and easy to wear. A very good baby. Highly recommend
    no remarkno remark

  38. Rated 5 out of 5


    Very advanced feeling after using it for a while, the sound is very soft and suitable for small babies

  39. Rated 5 out of 5



  40. Rated 5 out of 5


    All right, come back next time

  41. Rated 5 out of 5


    For infants, the product has full functions

  42. Rated 5 out of 5


    It's so easy to use, it's better than expected
    no remark

  43. Rated 5 out of 5


    It is particularly easy to use: the child has more than a month and can be sucked out immediately, so it is much more comfortable! Thanks a lot for one thing so good, very soft and very comfortable!

  44. Rated 5 out of 5


    The valuto after using the baby is very collaborative and will come out after two sucks! Really not bad
    no remark

  45. Rated 5 out of 5


    I can’t wait to try it when I receive the goods, I feel pretty good, very good

  46. Rated 5 out of 5


    It came acuratally and not damaged, thanks to the seller for the package, has not yet used in Dayton, then I'll add information. Thank you

  47. Rated 5 out of 5


    Not received, refunded
    no remark

  48. Rated 5 out of 5


    Everything is OK.

  49. Rated 5 out of 5


    It's a product that charm me is very nice and works very well I'm really very happy with this product I was afraid to use it with my son but when I look at him working I help my two-month-old baby breathe in an amazing way. If it's worth the wait.
    no remarkno remarkno remarkno remarkno remark

  50. Rated 4 out of 5


    Super produit

  51. Rated 5 out of 5


    The product is very beautiful and seems to work well for me worth Great seller Thank you

  52. Rated 5 out of 5


    very good product. recommended it

  53. Rated 5 out of 5


    Wow! Super product
    Amazing product cleaner the הנזלת no problem without pain.
    My son afraid of all thing almost and is really love it. Last night it saved us not to we had saline spray פתחנו it and it made the work in the form wonderful.

  54. Rated 5 out of 5


    As the picture. Didnt do much with blackheads, hope would work with the baby nose
    no remark

  55. Rated 5 out of 5


    Came very quickly, good quality

  56. Rated 5 out of 5


    Exactly as in the photo and description
    Delivery fast, recommend
    no remark

  57. Rated 5 out of 5


    New .. dziekuje very

  58. Rated 5 out of 5


    Very excellent product and nice seller Thank you to the seller and the gift is clean 10 stars fast shipping and excellent packaging I would like to buy once ثانيه
    no remark

  59. Rated 5 out of 5


    It's loaded. Happy with the purchase, functional
    no remarkno remark

  60. Rated 5 out of 5


    Excellent Product, fast shipping to chile.
    no remarkno remarkno remark

  61. Rated 5 out of 5


    Super thank you seller

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